Outdoor news and information from industry insiders

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Himalayan Trip of a Lifetime

Well it's not often I write about myself (Head Buyer, Sharon) on the blog, but I think well this deserves a mention big time. Last week thinking it was a joke I received an email telling me I won an all paid trip to the Markha Valley in Ladakh, India, yeh right, right?

Yep I sure did, I am still in the, is this real? to the reality I am going to the Himalayas with somebody else is footing the bill, actually Marmot is footing the bill for this once in a lifetime trip. Thanks Marmot and the dZi Foundation.

I will be spending 24 days trekking in the Markha Valley that is situated on the western end of Himalayas, Ladakh has four major mountain ranges - the great Himalayan, Zanskar, Ladakh and the Karakoram, passing through it. I will be crossing one pass at 15,000ft and another at 16,500ft as it circles from the edges of the Indus Valley with monasteries that dot the landscape perched high atop hills. I will also get a chance to do some good and volunteer for three days by setting up a mobile dental clinic in Leh that the dZi Foundation provide's for first time dental care for the children in the valley.

"Geared for Adventure"