Outdoor news and information from industry insiders

Friday, April 27, 2007

dzi Foundation in Nepal

If you are not sure what the dzi Foundation is, here is a link to their site: http: dzi Foundation. It is on behalf of the dzi Foundation and Marmot that I am going to the Himalayas. The dzi foundation helps provide health care, dental, starting schools and education on nutrition in Nepal and India in the Himalayas where these services have never existed.

Here is the dZi April newsletter by

Namaste, Friends and Supporters of dZi,
The other night I was at a dinner party and a friend asked me what I thought would be the highlight of my upcoming trip to Asia this spring. I told him that it is always an adventure and I am constantly surprised at what evolves as I travel from region to region to review our projects. Projects that you thought were “spot-on” have an issue or two that need to be dealt with, and what you thought was a problem with an individual, method of deli.
We have not been able to go back to the villages of Chhulemu, Deku, and the Taksindu Monastery area for the last 5 years due to the Maoist conflict. This is the area where Kim and I were married in a Sherpa “Demchang & Zendi” Ceremony that lasted 4 days with 200 Nepali friends from the surrounding area. You want to talk about a party! As we trekked for days to get to the site, the going joke was, “Walk 75 miles and bring a covered dish to Jim & Kim’s Wedding.”

Since our last trip, the Nepal Army and the Maoists have ravaged this peaceful area of the Solu Region, each attempting to control the area. The Maoists ruled by night and the Nepal Army ruled by day and, as in most conflicts, the villagers were caught in the middle, terrorized by both sides. With this 10-year chapter of Nepal’s history (and 12,000 deaths) hopefully behind us, we look optimistically towards the future.
"Geared for Adventure"

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